
2024年09月02日 由 alex 发表 276 0













是的,有一些通用的对话式用户界面,如 ChatGPT、HuggingChat、Cohere Coral、Alexa 和 Google Home。



因此,考虑到领域和灵活性/控制性,显然有巨大的机会让 LLM 驱动对话,真正发挥 LLM 的威力......

最近的研究解决了将 LLM 驱动的对话系统集中在专业领域内的难题,这是医疗保健和客户服务等应用的关键需求。

由于这些聊天机器人具有广泛的泛化能力,它们往往有可能提供不准确或不相关的回复。为了解决这个问题,作者提出了一种无监督方法,用于自动生成特定领域的对话流,从而限制基于 LLM 的聊天机器人。
















合并过程包括提示 GPT-4 保留内在流程的显著特征,同时消除多余元素,从而形成所谓的数据引导流程。


下面是一个名为 city_info_code.txt 的固有流程示例。请注意用户意图是如何定义和编码的。然后,每个意图都被映射到一个也被编码的机器人流程。

例如,U1 转到 B1,以此类推。

 B0[Bot: Greeting and Asks for City Information Inquiry] --> U1[User: Wants to Know About Attractions]
   B0 --> U2[User: Inquires About City Services]
   B0 --> U3[User: Asks About Local Regulations]
   B0 --> U4[User: Interested in City Events]
   B0 --> U45[User: Asks for Personalized Recommendations]
   B0 --> U46[User: Inquires About Local Culture and History]
   B0 --> U47[User: Wants Info on Dining and Shopping]
   B0 --> U48[User: Seeks Accessibility and Accommodation Info]

   U1 --> B1[Bot: Provides Information on Attractions]
   U2 --> B2[Bot: Details City Services]
   U3 --> B3[Bot: Explains Local Regulations]
   U4 --> B4[Bot: Shares Information on Upcoming Events]
   U45 --> B5[Bot: Gives Personalized Recommendations]
   U46 --> B6[Bot: Discusses Local Culture and History]
   U47 --> B7[Bot: Informs About Dining and Shopping]
   U48 --> B8[Bot: Advises on Accessibility and Accommodation]
   B1 --> U9[User: Requests Further Details or Ready to Explore]
   B2 --> U9
   B3 --> U9
   B4 --> U9
   B5 --> U9
   B6 --> U9
   B7 --> U9
   B8 --> U9
   U9 --> B9[Bot: Provides Additional Info or Encourages Exploration]


下面是一个数据流示例,名为 “警报设置代码”,对许多人来说应该是再熟悉不过的对话了。


B0[Bot: Greeting] --> U1[User: Express need for alarm assistance]
U1 --> B1[Bot: Prompt for alarm action]
B1 --> U2[User: Set alarm]
B1 --> U3[User: Edit alarm]
B1 --> U4[User: Delete alarm]
B1 --> U5[User: Copy alarm]
U2 --> B2[Bot: Set Alarm]
U3 --> B3[Bot: Ask for alarm details]
U4 --> B4[Bot: Ask which alarm to delete]
U5 --> B9[Bot: Ask details for copying alarm]
B2 --> U6[User: Confirm alarm set]
B2 --> U7[User: Request to set repeat]
U6 --> B7[Bot: Confirm Completion]
U7 --> B8[Bot: Set repeat and confirm]
B3 --> U8[User: Specify alarm edit details]
B4 --> U9[User: Specify alarm to delete]
B9 --> U14[User: Confirm copy details]
U8 --> B5[Bot: Perform edit and confirm]
U9 --> B6[Bot: Delete alarm and confirm]
U14 --> B10[Bot: Copy alarm and confirm]
B5 --> U10[User: Confirm edit]
B6 --> U11[User: Request additional deletion]
B6 --> U12[User: End conversation]
B10 --> U15[User: Request further changes]
B10 --> U16[User: End conversation]
U10 --> B7
U11 --> B6
U12 --> B11[Bot: Expressing gratitude and farewell]
U15 --> B3
U16 --> B11
B8 --> U13[User: End Conversation]
U13 --> B11


下面是用于生成警报代码重置流程的对话示例的一小段。整个训练文件大约有 700 个对话。每一行都是由语句、会话 ID、域和任务定义的对话。

{"session_id": "298663b0", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "i need to edit an alarm", "ok which one?", "the \"walk dog\"", "what would you like to do with it?", "change to \"feed cat\"", "changing. do you want to apply this to other alarms with this name?", "yes", "ok", "thanks", "yes"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "9fefc2ac", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I would like to edit a feature on my alarm.", "Alright, what would you like to edit?", "I would like to cancel all my alarms for the next week, but could you first list them all before I do anything?", "Sure. You have 5 alarms for next week. Monday at 8 AM, Tuesday at 9 AM, Wednesday at 10 AM, Thursday at 11 AM, and Friday at 12 PM. Would you like to cancel all of the alarms for next week?", "Alright, thanks. Could you cancel all my alarms?", "Sure. This action cannot be undone once completed. Would you like to proceed with deleting all of your alarms for next week?", "I would like to confirm my cancellation of all my alarms for next week.", "Your alarms for next week have been deleted.", "Very good. Thank you very much!", "You're welcome!"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "63fb88cb", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I needed to change one of my alarms", "I can help you with that, which alarm would you like to change?", "I need to change my 10:30 alarm \"Walk Dog\"", "Ok, what would you like to change it to?", "Let's change it to \"Feed Cat\"", "Ok. You also have \"walk dog\" set for 7PM each day. Would you like to change those alarms as well?", "Erase them. I'm not walking the dog anymore. I hired a kid.", "I can do that, is there anything else I can help you with", "Nope, that's it. Thanks, bot!", "Have a great day"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "8c8066e6", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need to set an alarm", "Ok, what day and time?", "Please set an alarm for Monday June 11th at 8am", "Ok, should it be on vibrate or sound?", "Set this alarm to vibrate", "Ok, what should it be called?", "Please Title this alarm 'Pay Bills'", "Ok, anything else?", "No, that's all. Thanks!", "Welcome!"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "dbfc73d9", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello, how may I help you?", "Set an alarm for 6:30pm", "Okay. Do you want it on sound or on vibrate?", "Sound Please", "Okay. What sound should it make? Ringing or do you want a personalized ringtone?", "I want a speaking voice tone i mean", "Okay. What speaking tone would you like?", "A gorgeous lady like", "Okay. When should the alarm go off?", "6:30pm", "What day?", "Everyday", "Okay. Alarm set successfully."], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "481aec04", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need to move an alarm", "which alarm", "I need my Monday alarm at three changed", "whats the new time and day", "Friday at four please", "do you want to change the name of the alarm", "Please change to ding dong", "done. anything else", "No thanks!", "yw"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "ee342fd6", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need some help with my alarms.", "It would be my pleasure to assist", "I want to set a new alarm.", "I can do that for you. Would you like to title the alarm?", "Wake-up alarm. Set it for 7:00 AM.", "Creating \"Wake-up\" alarm for 7:00am. Would you like any particular sound to wake to?", "Great. Now set it to have an air horn sound.", "Setting to blow horn sound Anything else I can set for you today?", "Excellent. That's all I need. Thank you.", "You're most welcome"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "328d3657", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I want to change the settings for my 7:30pm alarm", "i think you mean at 8. there is no 7:30 alarm", "That's right.", "what do you want to change?", "I want to change the sound. What sound is currently set?", "sound is set at birds chirp right now", "Change that to a chime", "changing", "Thanks", "no problem"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "d22e3a13", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need to modify my alarms", "I can help, what would you like to change?", "I want an alarm every Friday at 8 pm", "Every Friday at 8 PM alarm is that correct?", "yes", "Alarm noise or Vibrate?", "both", "What Alarm sound would you like?", "old phone tone", "Ok I have set an alarm for Friday at 8 PM", "thanks"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER"]}
{"session_id": "5cb1b497", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need to change an alarm please.", "I can help you with that. What alarm would you like to edit?", "I would like to change my 10:30 am alarm to 11:30 am for Monday.", "Alright, I've made that change for you. Would you like to enable the vibrate feature on this alarm?", "I would like to set this alarm to vibrate.", "Enable vibrate for this alarm. You also have the option of enabling vibrate with sound, would you like to have sound play for this alarm, or only vibrate?", "Only vibrate.", "Ok, I've set this alarm up for you. Would you like to add a title?", "Yes. Add \"Milk Meeting\" as my title.", "I've made this change for you. Anything else I can do?", "That's all."], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER"]}
{"session_id": "b479a288", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need some help managing my alarms", "Sure, how can I help with alarms today", "I need an alarm set for ever 2 minutes between 6am and 8am.", "What sound settings do you want for these alarms?", "Shrieking baby sound", "And for what day specifically?", "Monday and Thursday", "Alarms set, anything else I can assist with?", "That is all, thanks bot.", "No problem"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "620925cc", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I want you to set an alarm for me", "What time would you like your alarm set for?", "7am for tomorrow please", "Alright. Your alarm is set for 7 AM.", "And can you set an alarm for Saturday at 3pm?", "Sure. A second alarm is set for Saturday, 3 PM.", "Okay, thank you so much", "You are welcome! May I help you with anything else today?", "No, that was all, goodbyte", "Goodbye. Have a nice day."], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "b5b3d0b0", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "Hello. i wanted help with setting some alarms.", "I can help with that. What alarms would you like to set?", "Starting at 6 AM tomorrow, I want to have alarms go off every 30 minutes until 8 AM.", "Done. Your alarms starting at 6 AM tomorrow have been set. Would you like to add more alarms?", "No, but can a choose the sound the alarms will make?", "Yes. Do you want the same sound settings for all alarms ?", "Yes. I want a loud sound, similar to a siren.", "Loud siren has been set to your alarms.", "Thank you. You have been very helpful.", "You are welcome."], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "c9fb5fc5", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need to rename an alarm please", "which alarm", "Please rename the alarm titled 'walk dog' to 'feed cat'", "done. do you want to apply it to similarly named alarms", "Yes. Please change all alarms titled 'walk dog' to 'feed cat'", "are you sure", "Yes, I'm positive", "changes done", "Great! Thanks so much", "yw"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "84adfea3", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need to delete an alarm", "Okay. Which alarm do you want to delete?", "I am not entirely sure. I know I have 2 alarms at night, one is for 9pm and the other is for 10pm but I can't remember which is which. What are their titles?", "They both have the same name, actually: Nighttime Alarm.", "Oh man, Do I have an alarm named \"pick Jess up\"?", "Yes, you have several alarms under that name too.", "Okay, just delete all of those please", "Alright, I've deleted all of the alarms with that name.", "You rock! Thanks", "You are welcome. Have a good day."], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "d6077f73", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "Can you pull up my list of alarms?", "Sure, here is you alarm list.", "What alarm do I have next week on Tuesday?", "You have three meetings for Tuesday.", "Are there alarms for those? I'd like to delete the earliest one", "Three alarms named \"Meetings\" for Tuesday. The earliest alarm is for 8AM, shall I delete that alarm?", "Yes please, delete that", "Alarm \"Meetings\" set for 8AM deleted.", "Great, thanks for that!", "You're welcome"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "c2d70b5c", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I need help editing an alamr", "Ok, which alarm?", "My Monday 3pm alarm move it to Friday at 4pm", "Ok, same sound on that alarm?", "yes please", "and same name?", "Yes keep everything the same", "Anything else I can do for you?", "That's all thank you", "Great"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "2e27a20b", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "Cancel all my alarms", "You have five alarms set for next week, are you sure you want to cancel all of them?", "Yeah but I want you to list them before cancelling", "Ok, your first alarm is for Monday at 3pm. Do you want to cancel that one?", "Yes. but kindly list them", "Your second alarm is for Tuesday at 1pm.", "Yes", "Your third alarm is set for Wednesday at 1pm.", "Yes", "Your fourth alarm is set for Wednesday at 3pm."], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "1763c59a", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I'd like to edit an alarm.", "Sure! Which alarm would you like to edit?", "My alarm for tomorrow at 10 AM.", "Got it! What would you like to change it to?", "I'd like to have it play a sound.", "No problem! Which sound would you like this alarm to play?", "\"Waterfalls\".", "All done! This alarm will now play \"Waterfalls\". Is there anything else I can help you with?", "That's all, thank you!", "You are welcome! Have a great day."], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "741540d2", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "I want my Saturday alarm set for 7:00 am. to vibrate and make a bell sound.", "Sure. I can help you to set your alarm for 7:00AM and make it vibrate and make a bell sound.", "Thank you. Could you also set up a Monday to Friday alarm for 5:00 am.?", "Sure. I can set you an alarm from Monday to Friday for 5:00AM. What sound would you like that alarm to make?", "I want it to play thunder sounds.", "All done. Your alarm now makes thunder sounds.", "Could you also set up an alarm for 9:00 pm. everyday?", "Yes. I can also set up an alarm for 9:00PM everyday. What sound would you like it to play?", "Horse sounds, please.", "All done! Your 9:00PM alarm will make horse sounds!"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "0b03aafa", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "Hi! I need help with my device.", "I can help you set and edit alarms. Do you need assistance with that?", "I want to set my alarm for 7:30 PM to vibrate only.", "You do not currently have an alarm set for 7:30 PM. You do have an alarm set for 8 PM.", "Oh okay. please change the setting for that alarm instead.", "To confirm, you want to set your 8 PM alarm to vibrate only. Correct?", "Yes.", "I will make that change. Do you need to make any other changes?", "No. That's all. Thanks!", "I am here to serve"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}
{"session_id": "063c3d96", "domain": "ALARM_SET", "task": "ALARM_SET", "utterances": ["Hello how may I help you?", "i need to set an alarm", "What alarm do you want to set?", "i need to set several alarms", "What are the alarms that you want to set?", "i need to set alarms 15 mins apart between 6am and 8 am", "Okay. Do want the alarms every day of the week?", "yes", "Okay. I have set alarms from Mon-Sun 6 to 8 at 15 minute intervals", "great ty", "You are welcome. Can I help with anything else?"], "roles": ["BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT", "USER", "BOT"]}


  • 流程创建过程首先是使用大型语言模型(LLM)生成初始流程。这种自动化水平可以很好地解决空白画布问题或空白画布瘫痪问题。
  • 然而,从现有对话入手是一种更为明智的方法。利用客户与服务代表之间现有的对话转折点,可以利用有影响力和有意义的对话。
  • 我想,有人可以遵循同样的方法,只是用现实世界的对话取代最初的 LLM 对话生成。
  • 这种方法的目的是让人类只扮演弱监督角色,从而减轻设计者和构建者的负担。
  • 对话也以具有节点和条件边的图方法为前提。
  • 该工具非常适合利用现有对话、创建语义相似的群组以及创建或生成流程,这些流程可用作开发聊天机器人的起点。
  • 这些流程可以作为设计和构建聊天机器人的起点,也可以创建原型流程,在此基础上进行构建。
  • 我不确定实现生成流程的最佳方法是什么......有一个工具可以将 ASCII 转换为可视化表示或某种图形用户界面会很有帮助。
  • 或者是某种能够解释和摄取基于文本的设计的开发框架。

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