此数据集包含51,712个荷兰语的AI助手和(虚假的)“人类”(生成的)之间的对话。这些对话是从 Alpaca Cleaned Dataset 进行的翻译。
☕️ Want to help me out? 使用OpenAI API和提示测试翻译这些数据,我花费了?$57.99?。如果您喜欢这个数据集,请考虑 buying me a coffee ,以抵消部分费用,我非常感谢!☕️
{ 'id': 7, 'instruction': 'Leg uit waarom de volgende breuk gelijk is aan 1/4', 'input': '4/16', 'output': 'De breuk 4/16 is gelijk aan 1/4 omdat zowel de teller als de ' 'noemer deelbaar zijn door 4. Door zowel de teller als de noemer ' 'door 4 te delen, krijgen we de breuk 1/4.' }
TRANSLATION_PROMPT = """You are asked to translate a task's instruction, optional input to the task, and the output of the task, from {src_lang} into {tgt_lang}. Here are the requirements that you should adhere to: 1. maintain the format: the task consists of a task instruction (marked `instruction: `), optional input to the task (marked `input: `) and output for the task marked with `output: `; 2. do not translate the identifiers `instruction: `, `input: `, and `output: ` but instead copy them to your output; 3. make sure that text is fluent to read and does not contain grammatical errors. Use standard {tgt_lang} without regional bias; 4. translate the instruction and input text using informal, but standard, language; 5. make sure to avoid biases (such as gender bias, grammatical bias, social bias); 6. if the instruction is to correct grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes then you have to generate a similar mistake in the input in {tgt_lang}, and then also generate a corrected output version in the output in {tgt_lang}; 7. if the instruction is to translate text from one language to another, then you do not translate the text that needs to be translated in the instruction or the input, nor the translation in the output (just copy them as-is); 8. do not translate code fragments but copy them to your output. If there are English examples, variable names or definitions in code fragments, keep them in English. Now translate the following task with the requirements set out above. Do not provide an explanation and do not add anything else.\n\n"""
text = f'instruction: "{instruction}"\n\n' if inputstr: text += f'input: "{inputstr}"\n\n' text += f'output: "{outputstr}"'
You are a helpful assistant that translates English to Dutch to the requirements that are given to you.
初始数据由 Tatsu lab 生成,由 Yahma 进行清理。
根据OpenAI的使用条款,该数据集不能用于构建 a commercial system that competes with OpenAI's services 。与原始的Alpaca数据集类似,此数据集发布在CC NC 4.0下。
如果您使用此数据集,您还必须遵守 Sharing 和 Usage 政策。
根据他们的 Terms of Use 中明确说明的,特别是2c.iii部分,"[您不能]使用从服务中获取的输出来开发与OpenAI商业竞争的模型"。这意味着您不能使用此数据集来构建旨在与OpenAI商业竞争的模型。 As far as I am aware ,这是一个特定的限制,应作为当前许可证的附录。
Vanroy, B. (2023). Alpaca Cleaned Dutch [数据集]. Hugging Face. https://doi.org/10.57967/HF/0530
@misc{https://doi.org/10.57967/hf/0530, doi = {10.57967/HF/0530}, url = {https://huggingface.co/datasets/BramVanroy/alpaca-cleaned-dutch}, author = {Vanroy, Bram}, title = {{A}lpaca {C}leaned {D}utch}, publisher = {Hugging Face}, year = {2023} }
感谢 Tatsu lab 提供的初始机器生成的数据集和 cleaning it 。