


NbAiLab/NPSC 数据集卡片


该代码库以?数据集格式包含了NPSC的一个版本。请注意,官方发布的数据集版本(位于 the repository of the Norwegian Language Bank )相比此处的版本包含了更多信息,包括单词层面的元数据、说话者的元数据以及详细的文档。


# Loads the 16K Bokmål corpus in streaming mode
from datasets import load_dataset
data = load_dataset("NbAiLab/NPSC", config="16K_mp3_bokmaal", streaming=True)



"sentence_id": 49853,
"sentence_order": 0,
"speaker_id": 32,
"meeting_date": "20170110",
"speaker_name": "Olemic Thommessen",
"sentence_text": "Stortingets møte er lovlig satt",
"sentence_language_code": "nb-NO",
"text": "Stortingets møte er lovlig satt",
"start_time": 320246, 
"end_time": 323590,
"normsentence_text": "Stortingets møte er lovlig satt",
"transsentence_text": "Stortingets møte er lovleg sett",
"translated": 1,
"audio": {"path": "audio/20170110-095504_320246_323590.wav","array": [.......]}


Key Type Description
sentence_id: Integer Unique identifier of the sentence
sentence_order Integer A number indicating the order of the sentences in the meeting
speaker_id Integer The ID of the speaker. This can be linked to the original dataset containing thorough demographic and dialectal information about the speaker.
meeting_date String The date for the meeting in the format yyyymmdd
speaker_name String Name of the speaker. All speakers were members of the Norwegian Parliament or members of the Norwegian Government at the meeting date
sentence_text String The sentence text. The transcribed text string of the sentence in non-normalized form. This is the text of the manual transcriptions, without any postprocessing (apart from corrections of known errors). It may contain interrupted words, non-standard words and function words with a pronunciation deviating from the written form. Detailed metadata about the words in the sentence can be found in the word-tokenized version of the corpus in the official release of the dataset.
sentence_language_code String The language code of the sentence. The following alternatives exists in the file: ['nb-NO'. 'nn-NO', 'en-US']
text String sentence text. This is a copy of "sentence_text". It is included here to make it more convenient to interleave with other datasets.
start_time Integer The start time of the sentence in milliseconds. This time is relative to the start of audiofile of the entire meeting, which can be accessed in the official release
end_time Integer End time. See comment above.
normsentence_text String Normalized sentence text. In this version of the transcription, numbers and dates are written in digits on standardized formats, and common abbreviations are used. These modifications to the original transcriptions are produced automatically using normalization grammars
transsentence_text String Translated sentence text. Whenever the original transcription is in Bokmål (nb-NO), this field contains a machine-translated version in Nynorsk (nn-NO), and vice versa
translated Integer A flag indicating whether a machine-translated version has been produced or not. Sentences in en-US have not been translated
audio Array The dataloader will encode the accociated audio files and provide them as an array containing 'path', 'sound array','sampling_rate'



Feature Value
Duration, pauses included 140,3 hours
Duration, pauses not included 125,7 hours
Word count 1,2 million
Sentence count 64.531
Language distribution Nynorsk: 12,8%
Bokmål: 87,2%
Gender distribution Female: 38,3%
Male: 61.7%




数据集的内容由挪威国家图书馆的挪威语言银行(Språkbanken)创建。Javier de la Rosa、Freddy Wetjen、Per Egil Kummervold和Andre Kaasen为将其转为HuggingFace数据集做出了贡献。感谢HuggingFace团队的协助。


音频和转录以 CC-ZERO-license 发布。HuggingFace数据集的策划发布以 CC-BY-SA-3-license 发布。



  title={The Norwegian Parliamentary Speech Corpus},
  author={Solberg, Per Erik and Ortiz, Pablo},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference},