


Mario Maker 2 关卡

Mario Maker 2 Dataset Collection 的一部分


Mario Maker 2 关卡数据集包含了任天堂在线服务中的 26.6 百万个关卡,总共约 100GB 的数据。该数据集是使用自托管 Mario Maker 2 api 在 2022 年 2 月的一个月时间内创建的。


Mario Maker 2 关卡数据集非常庞大,因此对于大多数使用情况,建议使用 datasets 的流式 API。可以使用以下代码加载和迭代数据集:

from datasets import load_dataset

ds = load_dataset("TheGreatRambler/mm2_level", streaming=True, split="train")

 'data_id': 3000004,
 'name': 'カベキック',
 'description': 'カベキックをとにかくするコースです。',
 'uploaded': 1561644329,
 'created': 1561674240,
 'gamestyle': 4,
 'theme': 0,
 'difficulty': 0,
 'tag1': 7,
 'tag2': 10,
 'game_version': 1,
 'world_record': 8049,
 'upload_time': 193540,
 'upload_attempts': 1,
 'num_comments': 60,
 'clear_condition': 0,
 'clear_condition_magnitude': 0,
 'timer': 300,
 'autoscroll_speed': 0,
 'clears': 1646,
 'attempts': 3168,
 'clear_rate': 51.957070707070706,
 'plays': 1704,
 'versus_matches': 80,
 'coop_matches': 27,
 'likes': 152,
 'boos': 118,
 'unique_players_and_versus': 1391,
 'weekly_likes': 0,
 'weekly_plays': 1,
 'uploader_pid': '5218390885570355093',
 'first_completer_pid': '16824392528839047213',
 'record_holder_pid': '5411258160547085075',
 'level_data': [some binary data],
 'unk2': 0,
 'unk3': [some binary data],
 'unk9': 3,
 'unk10': 4,
 'unk11': 1,
 'unk12': 1

关卡数据是描述实际关卡的二进制数据块,等同于任天堂游戏中使用的关卡格式。数据是经过gzip压缩的,需要解压缩后才能读取。您只需要使用提供的 level.ksy kaitai 结构文件,并安装 kaitai 结构运行时将其解析为对象来读取:

from datasets import load_dataset
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStream
from io import BytesIO
from level import Level
import zlib

ds = load_dataset("TheGreatRambler/mm2_level", streaming=True, split="train")
level_data = next(iter(ds))["level_data"]
level = Level(KaitaiStream(BytesIO(zlib.decompress(level_data))))

# NOTE level.overworld.objects is a fixed size (limitation of Kaitai struct)
# must iterate by object_count or null objects will be included
for i in range(level.overworld.object_count):
    obj = level.overworld.objects[i]
    print("X: %d Y: %d ID: %s" % (obj.x, obj.y, obj.id))

X: 1200 Y: 400 ID: ObjId.block
X: 1360 Y: 400 ID: ObjId.block
X: 1360 Y: 240 ID: ObjId.block
X: 1520 Y: 240 ID: ObjId.block
X: 1680 Y: 240 ID: ObjId.block
X: 1680 Y: 400 ID: ObjId.block
X: 1840 Y: 400 ID: ObjId.block
X: 2000 Y: 400 ID: ObjId.block
X: 2160 Y: 400 ID: ObjId.block
X: 2320 Y: 400 ID: ObjId.block
X: 2480 Y: 560 ID: ObjId.block
X: 2480 Y: 720 ID: ObjId.block
X: 2480 Y: 880 ID: ObjId.block
X: 2160 Y: 880 ID: ObjId.block

如果需要,可以使用 Toost 将关卡数据呈现为图像。

也可以下载完整的数据集。请注意,这将下载大约 100GB 的数据:

ds = load_dataset("TheGreatRambler/mm2_level", split="train")



 'data_id': 3000004,
 'name': 'カベキック',
 'description': 'カベキックをとにかくするコースです。',
 'uploaded': 1561644329,
 'created': 1561674240,
 'gamestyle': 4,
 'theme': 0,
 'difficulty': 0,
 'tag1': 7,
 'tag2': 10,
 'game_version': 1,
 'world_record': 8049,
 'upload_time': 193540,
 'upload_attempts': 1,
 'num_comments': 60,
 'clear_condition': 0,
 'clear_condition_magnitude': 0,
 'timer': 300,
 'autoscroll_speed': 0,
 'clears': 1646,
 'attempts': 3168,
 'clear_rate': 51.957070707070706,
 'plays': 1704,
 'versus_matches': 80,
 'coop_matches': 27,
 'likes': 152,
 'boos': 118,
 'unique_players_and_versus': 1391,
 'weekly_likes': 0,
 'weekly_plays': 1,
 'uploader_pid': '5218390885570355093',
 'first_completer_pid': '16824392528839047213',
 'record_holder_pid': '5411258160547085075',
 'level_data': [some binary data],
 'unk2': 0,
 'unk3': [some binary data],
 'unk9': 3,
 'unk10': 4,
 'unk11': 1,
 'unk12': 1


Field Type Description
data_id int Data IDs are unique identifiers, gaps in the table are due to levels deleted by users or Nintendo
name string Course name
description string Course description
uploaded int UTC timestamp for when the level was uploaded
created int Local timestamp for when the level was created
gamestyle int Gamestyle, enum below
theme int Theme, enum below
difficulty int Difficulty, enum below
tag1 int The first tag, if it exists, enum below
tag2 int The second tag, if it exists, enum below
game_version int The version of the game this level was made on
world_record int The world record in milliseconds
upload_time int The upload time in milliseconds
upload_attempts int The number of attempts it took the uploader to upload
num_comments int Number of comments, may not reflect the archived comments if there were more than 1000 comments
clear_condition int Clear condition, enum below
clear_condition_magnitude int If applicable, the magnitude of the clear condition
timer int The timer of the level
autoscroll_speed int A unit of how fast the configured autoscroll speed is for the level
clears int Course clears
attempts int Course attempts
clear_rate float Course clear rate as a float between 0 and 1
plays int Course plays, or "footprints"
versus_matches int Course versus matches
coop_matches int Course coop matches
likes int Course likes
boos int Course boos
unique_players_and_versus int All unique players that have ever played this level, including the number of versus matches
weekly_likes int The weekly likes on this course
weekly_plays int The weekly plays on this course
uploader_pid string The player ID of the uploader
first_completer_pid string The player ID of the user who first cleared this course
record_holder_pid string The player ID of the user who held the world record at time of archival
level_data bytes The GZIP compressed decrypted level data, kaitai struct file is provided for reading
unk2 int Unknown
unk3 bytes Unknown
unk9 int Unknown
unk10 int Unknown
unk11 int Unknown
unk12 int Unknown





GameStyles = {
    0: "SMB1",
    1: "SMB3",
    2: "SMW",
    3: "NSMBU",
    4: "SM3DW"

Difficulties = {
    0: "Easy",
    1: "Normal",
    2: "Expert",
    3: "Super expert"

CourseThemes = {
    0: "Overworld",
    1: "Underground",
    2: "Castle",
    3: "Airship",
    4: "Underwater",
    5: "Ghost house",
    6: "Snow",
    7: "Desert",
    8: "Sky",
    9: "Forest"

TagNames = {
    0: "None",
    1: "Standard",
    2: "Puzzle solving",
    3: "Speedrun",
    4: "Autoscroll",
    5: "Auto mario",
    6: "Short and sweet",
    7: "Multiplayer versus",
    8: "Themed",
    9: "Music",
    10: "Art",
    11: "Technical",
    12: "Shooter",
    13: "Boss battle",
    14: "Single player",
    15: "Link"

ClearConditions = {
    137525990: "Reach the goal without landing after leaving the ground.",
    199585683: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Mechakoopa(s).",
    272349836: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Cheep Cheep(s).",
    375673178: "Reach the goal without taking damage.",
    426197923: "Reach the goal as Boomerang Mario.",
    436833616: "Reach the goal while wearing a Shoe.",
    713979835: "Reach the goal as Fire Mario.",
    744927294: "Reach the goal as Frog Mario.",
    751004331: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Larry(s).",
    900050759: "Reach the goal as Raccoon Mario.",
    947659466: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Blooper(s).",
    976173462: "Reach the goal as Propeller Mario.",
    994686866: "Reach the goal while wearing a Propeller Box.",
    998904081: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Spike(s).",
    1008094897: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Boom Boom(s).",
    1051433633: "Reach the goal while holding a Koopa Shell.",
    1061233896: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Porcupuffer(s).",
    1062253843: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Charvaargh(s).",
    1079889509: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Bullet Bill(s).",
    1080535886: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Bully/Bullies.",
    1151250770: "Reach the goal while wearing a Goomba Mask.",
    1182464856: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Hop-Chops.",
    1219761531: "Reach the goal while holding a Red POW Block. OR Reach the goal after activating at least/all (n) Red POW Block(s).",
    1221661152: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Bob-omb(s).",
    1259427138: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Spiny/Spinies.",
    1268255615: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Bowser(s)/Meowser(s).",
    1279580818: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Ant Trooper(s).",
    1283945123: "Reach the goal on a Lakitu's Cloud.",
    1344044032: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Boo(s).",
    1425973877: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Roy(s).",
    1429902736: "Reach the goal while holding a Trampoline.",
    1431944825: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Morton(s).",
    1446467058: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Fish Bone(s).",
    1510495760: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Monty Mole(s).",
    1656179347: "Reach the goal after picking up at least/all (n) 1-Up Mushroom(s).",
    1665820273: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Hammer Bro(s.).",
    1676924210: "Reach the goal after hitting at least/all (n) P Switch(es). OR Reach the goal while holding a P Switch.",
    1715960804: "Reach the goal after activating at least/all (n) POW Block(s). OR Reach the goal while holding a POW Block.",
    1724036958: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Angry Sun(s).",
    1730095541: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Pokey(s).",
    1780278293: "Reach the goal as Superball Mario.",
    1839897151: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Pom Pom(s).",
    1969299694: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Peepa(s).",
    2035052211: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Lakitu(s).",
    2038503215: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Lemmy(s).",
    2048033177: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Lava Bubble(s).",
    2076496776: "Reach the goal while wearing a Bullet Bill Mask.",
    2089161429: "Reach the goal as Big Mario.",
    2111528319: "Reach the goal as Cat Mario.",
    2131209407: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Goomba(s)/Galoomba(s).",
    2139645066: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Thwomp(s).",
    2259346429: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Iggy(s).",
    2549654281: "Reach the goal while wearing a Dry Bones Shell.",
    2694559007: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Sledge Bro(s.).",
    2746139466: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Rocky Wrench(es).",
    2749601092: "Reach the goal after grabbing at least/all (n) 50-Coin(s).",
    2855236681: "Reach the goal as Flying Squirrel Mario.",
    3036298571: "Reach the goal as Buzzy Mario.",
    3074433106: "Reach the goal as Builder Mario.",
    3146932243: "Reach the goal as Cape Mario.",
    3174413484: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Wendy(s).",
    3206222275: "Reach the goal while wearing a Cannon Box.",
    3314955857: "Reach the goal as Link.",
    3342591980: "Reach the goal while you have Super Star invincibility.",
    3346433512: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Goombrat(s)/Goombud(s).",
    3348058176: "Reach the goal after grabbing at least/all (n) 10-Coin(s).",
    3353006607: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Buzzy Beetle(s).",
    3392229961: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Bowser Jr.(s).",
    3437308486: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Koopa Troopa(s).",
    3459144213: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Chain Chomp(s).",
    3466227835: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Muncher(s).",
    3481362698: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Wiggler(s).",
    3513732174: "Reach the goal as SMB2 Mario.",
    3649647177: "Reach the goal in a Koopa Clown Car/Junior Clown Car.",
    3725246406: "Reach the goal as Spiny Mario.",
    3730243509: "Reach the goal in a Koopa Troopa Car.",
    3748075486: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Piranha Plant(s)/Jumping Piranha Plant(s).",
    3797704544: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Dry Bones.",
    3824561269: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Stingby/Stingbies.",
    3833342952: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Piranha Creeper(s).",
    3842179831: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Fire Piranha Plant(s).",
    3874680510: "Reach the goal after breaking at least/all (n) Crates(s).",
    3974581191: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Ludwig(s).",
    3977257962: "Reach the goal as Super Mario.",
    4042480826: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Skipsqueak(s).",
    4116396131: "Reach the goal after grabbing at least/all (n) Coin(s).",
    4117878280: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Magikoopa(s).",
    4122555074: "Reach the goal after grabbing at least/all (n) 30-Coin(s).",
    4153835197: "Reach the goal as Balloon Mario.",
    4172105156: "Reach the goal while wearing a Red POW Box.",
    4209535561: "Reach the Goal while riding Yoshi.",
    4269094462: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Spike Top(s).",
    4293354249: "Reach the goal after defeating at least/all (n) Banzai Bill(s)."


数据集是在2022年2月份的一个多月时间内使用自托管 Mario Maker 2 api 创建的。由于对任天堂服务器的请求需要验证,因此必须小心进行处理,并限制下载速度,以免过载API并冒着被禁止的风险。目前没有创建此数据集的更新版本的计划。


数据集包含来自全球各地的许多不同的 Mario Maker 2 玩家的关卡,因此它们的标题和描述可能包含有害的语言。如果选择呈现关卡数据,可能还会出现有害的描绘。