AmericasNLI 是 XNLI(Conneau et al., 2018)的扩展,它是一个自然语言推理(NLI)数据集,涵盖了15种高资源语言和10种在美洲使用的低资源土著语言:Ashaninka,Aymara,Bribri,Guarani,Nahuatl,Otomi,Quechua,Raramuri,Shipibo-Konibo 和 Wixarika。与MNLI一样,目标是预测文本蕴含关系(句子A是否蕴含/矛盾/无关句子B),这是一个分类任务(给定两个句子,预测其中一个的三个标签之一)。
{'language': 'aym', 'premise': "Ukhamaxa, janiw ukatuqits lup'kayätti, ukhamarus wali phiñasitayätwa, ukatx jupampiw mayamp aruskipañ qallanttha.", 'hypothesis': 'Janiw mayamp jupampix p arlxapxti.', 'label': 2}aym
一个 bzd 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': "Ukhamaxa, janiw ukatuqits lup'kayätti, ukhamarus wali phiñasitayätwa, ukatx jupampiw mayamp aruskipañ qallanttha.", 'hypothesis': 'Janiw mayamp jupampix parlxapxti.', 'label ': 2}bzd
一个 cni 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': "Bua', kèq ye' kũ e' bikeitsök erë ye' chkénãwã tã ye' ujtémĩne ie' tã páxlĩnẽ.", 'hypothesis': "Kèq ye' ùtẽnẽ ie' tã páxlĩ.", 'label': 2}cni
一个 gn 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': 'Kameetsa, tee nokenkeshireajeroji, iro kantaincha tee nomateroji aisati nintajaro noñanatajiri iroakera.', 'hypothesis': 'Tee noñatajeriji.', 'label': 2}gn
一个 hch 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': "Néi, ni napensaikurihína upéva rehe, ajepichaiterei ha añepyrûjey añe'ê hendive.", 'hypothesis': "Nañe'êvéi hendive.", 'label': 2}hch
一个 nah 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': 'mu hekwa.', 'hypothesis': 'neuka tita xatawe m+k+ mat+a.', 'label': 2}nah
一个 oto 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': 'Cualtitoc, na axnimoihliaya ino, nicualaniztoya queh naha nicamohuihqui', 'hypothesis': 'Ayoc nicamohuihtoc', 'label': 2}oto
一个 quy 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': 'mi-ga, nin mibⴘy mbô̮nitho ane guenu, guedi mibⴘy nho ⴘnmⴘy xi di mⴘdi o ñana nen nⴘua manaigui', 'hypothesis': 'hin din bi pengui nen nⴘa', 'label': 2}quy
一个 shp 测试集示例如下:
.', 'label': 2}shp
一个 tar 测试集示例如下:
{'premise': 'Jakon riki, ja shinanamara ea ike, ikaxbi kikin frustradara ea ike jakopira ea jabe yoyo iribake.', 'hypothesis': 'Eara jabe yoyo iribiama iki.', 'label': 2}tar
{'premise': 'Ga’lá ju, ke tási newalayé nejé echi kítira, we ne majáli, a’lí ko uchécho ne yua ku ra’íchaki.', 'hypothesis': 'Tási ne uchecho yua ra’ícha échi rejói.', 'label': 2}
- language: a multilingual string variable, with languages including ar, bg, de, el, en. - premise: a multilingual string variable, with languages including ar, bg, de, el, en. - hypothesis: a multilingual string variable, with possible languages including ar, bg, de, el, en. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).aym
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).bzd
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).cni
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).hch
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).nah
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).oto
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).quy
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).shp
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).tar
- premise: a string feature. - hypothesis: a string feature. - label: a classification label, with possible values including entailment (0), neutral (1), contradiction (2).
Language | ISO | Family | Dev | Test |
all_languages | -- | -- | 6457 | 7486 |
Aymara | aym | Aymaran | 743 | 750 |
Ashaninka | cni | Arawak | 658 | 750 |
Bribri | bzd | Chibchan | 743 | 750 |
Guarani | gn | Tupi-Guarani | 743 | 750 |
Nahuatl | nah | Uto-Aztecan | 376 | 738 |
Otomi | oto | Oto-Manguean | 222 | 748 |
Quechua | quy | Quechuan | 743 | 750 |
Raramuri | tar | Uto-Aztecan | 743 | 750 |
Shipibo-Konibo | shp | Panoan | 743 | 750 |
Wixarika | hch | Uto-Aztecan | 743 | 750 |
作者从 XNLI 的西班牙语子集翻译而来。
AmericasNLI 是 XNLI(Conneau et al., 2018)子集的翻译。由于西班牙语与目标语言之间的翻译者更容易找到,我们选择从西班牙语版本进行翻译。
根据 original paper 第3.1段的描述。
根据 original paper 第3.1段的描述。
@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2104-08726, author = {Abteen Ebrahimi and Manuel Mager and Arturo Oncevay and Vishrav Chaudhary and Luis Chiruzzo and Angela Fan and John Ortega and Ricardo Ramos and Annette Rios and Ivan Vladimir and Gustavo A. Gim{\'{e}}nez{-}Lugo and Elisabeth Mager and Graham Neubig and Alexis Palmer and Rolando A. Coto Solano and Ngoc Thang Vu and Katharina Kann}, title = {AmericasNLI: Evaluating Zero-shot Natural Language Understanding of Pretrained Multilingual Models in Truly Low-resource Languages}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/2104.08726}, year = {2021}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.08726}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, eprint = {2104.08726}, timestamp = {Mon, 26 Apr 2021 17:25:10 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/journals/corr/abs-2104-08726.bib}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} }
感谢 @fdschmidt93 添加此数据集。