自2009年以来,BioNLP-ST GE 任务一直致力于推动生物医学文档中的精细化信息抽取(IE)的开发。特别是,它以NFkB作为生物医学IE的模型领域。GENIA任务旨在提取发生在基因或基因产物上的事件,它们被分类为“蛋白质”,不区分基因和基因产物。其他类型的物理实体,例如细胞,细胞组分,不互相区分,其类型被给定为“实体”。
@inproceedings{10.5555/2107691.2107693, author = {Kim, Jin-Dong and Wang, Yue and Takagi, Toshihisa and Yonezawa, Akinori}, title = {Overview of Genia Event Task in BioNLP Shared Task 2011}, year = {2011}, isbn = {9781937284091}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, address = {USA}, abstract = {The Genia event task, a bio-molecular event extraction task, is arranged as one of the main tasks of BioNLP Shared Task 2011. As its second time to be arranged for community-wide focused efforts, it aimed to measure the advance of the community since 2009, and to evaluate generalization of the technology to full text papers. After a 3-month system development period, 15 teams submitted their performance results on test cases. The results show the community has made a significant advancement in terms of both performance improvement and generalization.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the BioNLP Shared Task 2011 Workshop}, pages = {7–15}, numpages = {9}, location = {Portland, Oregon}, series = {BioNLP Shared Task '11} }