{ "claim_id": "0", "claim": "Global warming is driving polar bears toward extinction", "claim_label": 0, # "SUPPORTS" "evidences": [ { "evidence_id": "Extinction risk from global warming:170", "evidence_label": 2, # "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" "article": "Extinction risk from global warming", "evidence": "\"Recent Research Shows Human Activity Driving Earth Towards Global Extinction Event\".", "entropy": 0.6931471805599453, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:14", "evidence_label": 0, # "SUPPORTS" "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Environmental impacts include the extinction or relocation of many species as their ecosystems change, most immediately the environments of coral reefs, mountains, and the Arctic.", "entropy": 0.0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Global warming:178", "evidence_label": 2, # "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" "article": "Global warming", "evidence": "Rising temperatures push bees to their physiological limits, and could cause the extinction of bee populations.", "entropy": 0.6931471805599453, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Habitat destruction:61", "evidence_label": 0, # "SUPPORTS" "article": "Habitat destruction", "evidence": "Rising global temperatures, caused by the greenhouse effect, contribute to habitat destruction, endangering various species, such as the polar bear.", "entropy": 0.0, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "SUPPORTS", null, null, null ] }, { "evidence_id": "Polar bear:1328", "evidence_label": 2, # "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO" "article": "Polar bear", "evidence": "\"Bear hunting caught in global warming debate\".", "entropy": 0.6931471805599453, "votes": [ "SUPPORTS", "NOT_ENOUGH_INFO", null, null, null ] } ] }
@misc{diggelmann2020climatefever, title={CLIMATE-FEVER: A Dataset for Verification of Real-World Climate Claims}, author={Thomas Diggelmann and Jordan Boyd-Graber and Jannis Bulian and Massimiliano Ciaramita and Markus Leippold}, year={2020}, eprint={2012.00614}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }
感谢 @tdiggelm 添加了这个数据集。