@InProceedings{yanaka-EtAl:2019:starsem, author = {Yanaka, Hitomi and Mineshima, Koji and Bekki, Daisuke and Inui, Kentaro and Sekine, Satoshi and Abzianidze, Lasha and Bos, Johan}, title = {HELP: A Dataset for Identifying Shortcomings of Neural Models in Monotonicity Reasoning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM2019)}, year = {2019}, }对以上内容翻译成中文,不要翻译大写的英文, 保留a标签以及所有属性,按照此约束返回翻译后的中文
@InProceedings{yanaka-EtAl:2019:starsem, author = {Yanaka, Hitomi and Mineshima, Koji and Bekki, Daisuke and Inui, Kentaro and Sekine, Satoshi and Abzianidze, Lasha and Bos, Johan}, title = {HELP: A Dataset for Identifying Shortcomings of Neural Models in Monotonicity Reasoning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM2019)}, year = {2019}, }對以上內容翻譯成中文,不要翻譯大寫的英文, 保留a標籤以及所有屬性,按照此約束返回翻譯後的中文