
Acute Inflammation

The Acute Inflammation dataset from the UCI ML repository . Predict whether the patient has an acute inflammation.

Configurations and tasks

Configuration Task Description
inflammation Binary classification Does the patient have an acute inflammation?
nephritis Binary classification Does the patient have a nephritic pelvis?
bladder Binary classification Does the patient have bladder inflammation?



from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("mstz/acute_inflammation", "inflammation")["train"]


Target feature changes according to the selected configuration and is always in last position in the dataset.

Feature Type
temperature [float64]
has_nausea [bool]
has_lumbar_pain [bool]
has_urine_pushing [bool]
has_micturition_pains [bool]
has_burnt_urethra [bool]
has_inflammed_bladder [bool]
has_nephritis_of_renal_pelvis [bool]
has_acute_inflammation [int8]