

预测累犯的 Compas dataset 。已知数据集存在种族偏见问题,查看关于该主题的 Propublica article

Configurations and tasks

Configuration Task Description
encoding Encoding dictionary showing original values of encoded features.
two-years-recidividity Binary classification Will the defendant be a violent recidivist?
two-years-recidividity-no-race Binary classification As above, but the race feature is removed.
priors-prediction Regression How many prior crimes has the defendant committed?
priors-prediction-no-race Binary classification As above, but the race feature is removed.
race Multiclass classification What is the race of the defendant?


from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("mstz/compas", "two-years-recidividity")["train"]


Feature Type Description
sex int64
age int64
race int64
number_of_juvenile_fellonies int64
decile_score int64 Criminality score
number_of_juvenile_misdemeanors int64
number_of_other_juvenile_offenses int64
number_of_prior_offenses int64
days_before_screening_arrest int64
is_recidivous int64
days_in_custody int64 Days spent in custody
is_violent_recidivous int64
violence_decile_score int64 Criminality score for violent crimes
two_years_recidivous int64