Swiss Judgment Prediction是一个多语言、历时的数据集,包含了329K瑞士联邦最高法院(FSCS)的案例。该数据集是一个具有挑战性的文本生成任务的一部分。
Language | Subset | Number of Documents Full |
German | de | 160K |
French | fr | 128K |
Italian | it | 41K |
- decision_id: unique identifier for the decision - facts: facts section of the decision - considerations: considerations section of the decision - label: label of the decision - law_area: area of law of the decision - language: language of the decision - year: year of the decision - court: court of the decision - chamber: chamber of the decision - canton: canton of the decision - region: region of the decision
原始数据以未经处理的HTML格式( https://www.bger.ch )从瑞士联邦最高法院获取。这些文件是从Entscheidsuche门户( https://entscheidsuche.ch )以HTML格式下载的。
元数据由瑞士联邦最高法院( https://www.bger.ch )发布。
该数据集包含瑞士联邦最高法院公开的判决书。按照以下指南,法院在发布前对个人或敏感信息进行了匿名处理: https://www.bger.ch/home/juridiction/anonymisierungsregeln.html 。
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@misc{rasiah2023scale, title={SCALE: Scaling up the Complexity for Advanced Language Model Evaluation}, author={Vishvaksenan Rasiah and Ronja Stern and Veton Matoshi and Matthias Stürmer and Ilias Chalkidis and Daniel E. Ho and Joel Niklaus}, year={2023}, eprint={2306.09237}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }