"plant" 配置的一个示例:
{ 'exid': 'train-78-8', 'inputs': ['< EOT > calcareous rocks and barrens , wooded cliff edges .', 'plant an erect short - lived perennial ( or biennial ) herb whose slender leafy stems radiate from the base , and are 3 - 5 dm tall , giving it a bushy appearance .', 'leaves densely hairy , grayish - green , simple and alternate on the stem .', 'flowers are bright yellow to yellow - orange , cross - shaped , each having 4 spatula - shaped petals about 5 mm long .', 'fruit is a nearly globe - shaped capsule , about 3 mm in diameter , with 1 or 2 seeds in each cell .', 'flowering period : early april to late may .', 'even though there are many members of the mustard family in the range of this species , no other plant shares this combination of characters : bright yellow flowers , grayish - green stems and foliage , globe - shaped fruits with a long style , perennial habit , and the habitat of limestone rocky cliffs .', 'timber removal may be beneficial and even needed to maintain the open character of the habitat for this species .', 'hand removal of trees in the vicinity of the population is necessary to avoid impacts from timber operations .', 'southwest indiana , north central kentucky , and north central tennessee .', 'email : naturepreserves @ ky . gov feedback naturepreserves @ ky . gov | about the agency | about this site copyright © 2003 - 2013 commonwealth of kentucky .', 'all rights reserved .', '<EOS>' ], 'targets': [ ['description', 'physaria globosa is a small plant covered with dense hairs giving it a grayish appearance . it produces yellow flowers in the spring , and its fruit is globe - shaped . its preferred habitat is dry limestone cliffs , barrens , cedar glades , steep wooded slopes , and talus areas . some have also been found in areas of deeper soil and roadsides .' ], ['conservation', 'the population fluctuates year to year , but on average there are about 2000 living plants at any one time , divided among 33 known locations . threats include forms of habitat degradation and destruction , including road construction and grading , mowing , dumping , herbicides , alteration of waterways , livestock damage , and invasive species of plants such as japanese honeysuckle , garlic mustard , alsike clover , sweet clover , meadow fescue , and multiflora rose . all populations are considered vulnerable to extirpation .' ] ] }
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