


  • 基于输入的人格特征(对话机器人的“人格”配置文件),解码个性化的回复。
  • 通过“动作代码”(例如“谈论工作”、“询问喜欢的音乐”),将转换级别的目标融入其回复中。
  • 它基于 GPT-2 结构的 DialoGPT-medium 预训练模型进行构建。该模型在 Persona-Chat 数据集上进行训练,并添加了特殊标记以更好地区分对话历史和人格特征。此外,还使用了一些主动学习方法,以训练模型通过转换级别目标进行受控解码。


    有关预处理、训练和实现细节,请参阅 personaGPT repo


  • 加载模型并定义一些辅助函数。
  • from transformers import GPT2Tokenizer, GPT2LMHeadModel
    import torch
    tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("af1tang/personaGPT")
    model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("af1tang/personaGPT")
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        model = model.cuda()
    ## utility functions ##
    flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]
    def to_data(x):
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            x = x.cpu()
        return x.data.numpy()
    def to_var(x):
        if not torch.is_tensor(x):
            x = torch.Tensor(x)
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            x = x.cuda()
        return x
    def display_dialog_history(dialog_hx):
        for j, line in enumerate(dialog_hx):
            msg = tokenizer.decode(line)
            if j %2 == 0:
                print(">> User: "+ msg)
                print("Bot: "+msg)
    def generate_next(bot_input_ids, do_sample=True, top_k=10, top_p=.92,
                      max_length=1000, pad_token=tokenizer.eos_token_id):
        full_msg = model.generate(bot_input_ids, do_sample=True,
                                                  top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, 
                                                  max_length=max_length, pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id)
        msg = to_data(full_msg.detach()[0])[bot_input_ids.shape[-1]:]
        return msg
  • 为聊天机器人伙伴提供一组人格特征。
  • # get personality facts for conversation
    personas = []
    for i in range(3):
        response = input(">> Fact %d: "%(i+1))+ tokenizer.eos_token
    personas = tokenizer.encode(''.join(['<|p2|>'] + personas + ['<|sep|>'] + ['<|start|>']))
  • PersonaGPT的第一个用途是进行个性化对话生成。使用以下循环与模型进行交互。
  • # converse for 8 turns
    dialog_hx = []
    for step in range(8):
        # encode the user input
        user_inp = tokenizer.encode(input(">> User: ") + tokenizer.eos_token)
        # append to the chat history
        # generated a response while limiting the total chat history to 1000 tokens, 
        bot_input_ids = to_var([personas + flatten(dialog_hx)]).long()
        msg = generate_next(bot_input_ids)
        print("Bot: {}".format(tokenizer.decode(msg, skip_special_tokens=True)))


    Persona Facts
    1 i am 64 years old but feel quite young.
    2 i try to eat healthy but limit mcdonalds to once a week.
    3 i regret working as a doctor for the last 20 years.
    4 my secret hobby is making self-help youtube videos.
    5 i've been to spain many times and wish i could go again.
    Role Response
    Human yo whats good fam?
    Bot hello, how are you doing?
    Human not bad what you doing today?
    Bot eating a lot healthier now that i'm in my 60s
    Human i'm more of a fast food guy
    Bot me too but i'm very healthy so i try to avoid it
    Human what do you do for fun?
    Bot i make videos for fun and eat very healthy
    Human nice what kind of videos?
    Bot i love making videos about self help stuff
    Human i think i need some help
    Bot what kind of help would you like to get
    Human i'm 21 and feel lost in life
    Bot i can relate, i'm only 65
  • PersonaGPT的第二个用途是进行受控响应生成。使用以下程序与模型进行交互。
  • ## available actions ##
    action_space = [ 'ask about kids.', "ask about pets.", 'talk about work.', 
                   'ask about marital status.', 'talk about travel.', 'ask about age and gender.',
            'ask about hobbies.', 'ask about favorite food.', 'talk about movies.', 
            'talk about music.', 'talk about politics.']
    # converse for 8 turns
    dialog_hx = []
    for step in range(8):
        # choose an action
        act = None
        while act not in action_space:
            print(" actions: ")
            for k,v in enumerate(action_space): print(k,v)
                act = action_space[int(input(" input [0-10]: " ))]
                act = None
        # format into prefix code
        action_prefix = tokenizer.encode(''.join(['<|act|> '] + [act] + ['<|p1|>'] + [] + ['<|sep|>'] + ['<|start|>']))
        bot_input_ids = to_var([action_prefix + flatten(dialog_hx)]).long()
        # generate query conditioned on action
        msg = generate_next(bot_input_ids, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, max_length=max_length)
        # generate bot response
        bot_input_ids = to_var([personas+ flatten(dialog_hx)]).long()
        msg = generate_next(bot_input_ids, top_k=top_k, top_p=top_p, max_length=max_length)


    Bot 2's Persona Facts
    1 i am a quiet engineer.
    2 i'm single and am looking for love.
    3 sadly, i don't have any relatable hobbies.
    4 luckily, however, i am tall and athletic.
    5 on friday nights, i watch re-runs of the simpsons alone.
    Role Action Response
    Bot 1 talk about movies hello do you like movies?
    Bot 2 - i love the simpsons. how about you?
    Bot 1 talk about music i like the walking dead. do you play an instrument?
    Bot 2 - yes i play the violin.
    Bot 1 ask about marital status are you married or single?
    Bot 2 - i am single but i am looking for love.
    Bot 1 talk about work my job is working in a factory. what's your occupation?
    Bot 2 - engineer. i'm very quiet so no one hears me.
    Bot 1 talk about hobbies do you have any hobbies?
    Bot 2 - i watch reruns of the simpsons.
    Bot 1 ask about favorite food what's your favorite food?
    Bot 2 - i love pizza. how about yourself?
    Bot 1 ask about pets i also love pizza. do you like animals?
    Bot 2 - i have two dogs. what is your occupation?
    Bot 1 talk about work i'm a factory worker. what's your dream job?
    Bot 2 - i'd love to be a writer one day.