

这个模型是在以捷克文本为重点的多语种大型摘要数据集上,基于 google/mt5-base 进行微调的检查点,用于生成多语种摘要。



支持的语言:'cs':'<extra_id_0>', 'en':'<extra_id_1>', 'de':'<extra_id_2>', 'es':'<extra_id_3>', 'fr':'<extra_id_4>', 'ru':'<extra_id_5>', 'tu':'<extra_id_6>', 'zh':'<extra_id_7>'


## Configuration of summarization pipeline
def summ_config():
    cfg = OrderedDict([
        ## summarization model - checkpoint
        #   ctu-aic/m2m100-418M-multilingual-summarization-multilarge-cs
        #   ctu-aic/mt5-base-multilingual-summarization-multilarge-cs
        #   ctu-aic/mbart25-multilingual-summarization-multilarge-cs
        ("model_name", "ctu-aic/mbart25-multilingual-summarization-multilarge-cs"),
        ## language of summarization task
        #   language : string : cs, en, de, fr, es, tr, ru, zh
        ("language", "en"), 
        ## generation method parameters in dictionary
        ("inference_cfg", OrderedDict([
            ("num_beams", 4),
            ("top_k", 40),
            ("top_p", 0.92),
            ("do_sample", True),
            ("temperature", 0.95),
            ("repetition_penalty", 1.23),
            ("no_repeat_ngram_size", None),
            ("early_stopping", True),
            ("max_length", 128),
            ("min_length", 10),
        #texts to summarize values = (list of strings, string, dataset)
               "english text1 to summarize",
               "english text2 to summarize",
        #OPTIONAL: Target summaries values = (list of strings, string, None)
               "target english text1",
               "target english text2",
        #('golds', None),
    return cfg

cfg = summ_config()
mSummarize = MultiSummarizer(**cfg)
summaries,scores = mSummarize(**cfg)



Train set:        3 464 563 docs
Validation set:     121 260 docs
Stats fragment avg document length avg summary length Documents
dataset compression density coverage nsent nwords nsent nwords count
cnc 7.388 0.303 0.088 16.121 316.912 3.272 46.805 750K
sumeczech 11.769 0.471 0.115 27.857 415.711 2.765 38.644 1M
cnndm 13.688 2.983 0.538 32.783 676.026 4.134 54.036 300K
xsum 18.378 0.479 0.194 18.607 369.134 1.000 21.127 225K
mlsum/tu 8.666 5.418 0.461 14.271 214.496 1.793 25.675 274K
mlsum/de 24.741 8.235 0.469 32.544 539.653 1.951 23.077 243K
mlsum/fr 24.388 2.688 0.424 24.533 612.080 1.320 26.93 425K
mlsum/es 36.185 3.705 0.510 31.914 746.927 1.142 21.671 291K
mlsum/ru 78.909 1.194 0.246 62.141 948.079 1.012 11.976 27K
cnewsum 20.183 0.000 0.000 16.834 438.271 1.109 21.926 304K




Time: 3 days 20 hours
Epochs: 1080K steps = 10 (from 10)
GPUs: 4x NVIDIA A100-SXM4-40GB
eloss: 2.462 - 1.797
tloss: 17.322 - 1.578


Precision Recall Fscore Precision Recall Fscore Precision Recall Fscore
cnc 30.62 19.83 23.44 9.94 6.52 7.67 22.92 14.92 17.6
sumeczech 27.57 17.6 20.85 8.12 5.23 6.17 20.84 13.38 15.81
cnndm 43.83 37.73 39.34 20.81 17.82 18.6 31.8 27.42 28.55
xsum 41.63 30.54 34.56 16.13 11.76 13.33 33.65 24.74 27.97
mlsum-tu- 54.4 43.29 46.2 38.78 31.31 33.23 48.18 38.44 41
mlsum-de 47.94 44.14 45.11 36.42 35.24 35.42 44.43 41.42 42.16
mlsum-fr 35.26 25.96 28.98 16.72 12.35 13.75 28.06 20.75 23.12
mlsum-es 33.37 24.84 27.52 13.29 10.05 11.05 27.63 20.69 22.87
mlsum-ru 0.79 0.66 0.66 0.26 0.2 0.22 0.79 0.66 0.65
cnewsum 24.49 24.38 23.23 6.48 6.7 6.24 24.18 24.04 22.91

