Vision-and-Language Transformer (ViLT) 模型在 COCO 上进行了微调。它是由Kim等人在论文 ViLT: Vision-and-Language Transformer Without Convolution or Region Supervision 中提出,并首次在 this repository 中发布的。
免责声明:ViLT发布团队没有为该模型编写模型卡,因此该模型卡是由Hugging Face团队编写的。
from transformers import ViltProcessor, ViltForImageAndTextRetrieval import requests from PIL import Image url = "http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000039769.jpg" image = Image.open(requests.get(url, stream=True).raw) texts = ["An image of two cats chilling on a couch", "A football player scoring a goal"] processor = ViltProcessor.from_pretrained("dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-coco") model = ViltForImageAndTextRetrieval.from_pretrained("dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-coco") # prepare inputs encoding = processor(image, text, return_tensors="pt") # forward pass scores = dict() for text in texts: encoding = processor(image, text, return_tensors="pt") outputs = model(**encoding) scores[text] = outputs.logits[0, :].item()
@misc{kim2021vilt, title={ViLT: Vision-and-Language Transformer Without Convolution or Region Supervision}, author={Wonjae Kim and Bokyung Son and Ildoo Kim}, year={2021}, eprint={2102.03334}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={stat.ML} }