ITALIAN-LEGAL-BERT基于 bert-base-italian-xxl-cased ,并在意大利民法语料库上对意大利BERT模型进行了额外的预训练。在不同领域特定任务中,它比“通用”意大利BERT获得更好的结果。
from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer model_name = "dlicari/Italian-Legal-BERT" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
您可以使用Transformers库的fill-mask pipeline以ITALIAN-LEGAL-BERT进行推理。
from transformers import pipeline model_name = "dlicari/Italian-Legal-BERT" fill_mask = pipeline("fill-mask", model_name) fill_mask("Il [MASK] ha chiesto revocarsi l'obbligo di pagamento") #[{'sequence': "Il ricorrente ha chiesto revocarsi l'obbligo di pagamento",'score': 0.7264330387115479}, # {'sequence': "Il convenuto ha chiesto revocarsi l'obbligo di pagamento",'score': 0.09641049802303314}, # {'sequence': "Il resistente ha chiesto revocarsi l'obbligo di pagamento",'score': 0.039877112954854965}, # {'sequence': "Il lavoratore ha chiesto revocarsi l'obbligo di pagamento",'score': 0.028993653133511543}, # {'sequence': "Il Ministero ha chiesto revocarsi l'obbligo di pagamento", 'score': 0.025297977030277252}]
在这个 COLAB: ITALIAN-LEGAL-BERT: Minimal Start for Italian Legal Downstream Tasks 中,介绍如何用它进行句子相似度、句子分类和命名实体识别。
@inproceedings{licari_italian-legal-bert_2022, address = {Bozen-Bolzano, Italy}, series = {{CEUR} {Workshop} {Proceedings}}, title = {{ITALIAN}-{LEGAL}-{BERT}: {A} {Pre}-trained {Transformer} {Language} {Model} for {Italian} {Law}}, volume = {3256}, shorttitle = {{ITALIAN}-{LEGAL}-{BERT}}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3256/#km4law3}, language = {en}, urldate = {2022-11-19}, booktitle = {Companion {Proceedings} of the 23rd {International} {Conference} on {Knowledge} {Engineering} and {Knowledge} {Management}}, publisher = {CEUR}, author = {Licari, Daniele and Comandè, Giovanni}, editor = {Symeonidou, Danai and Yu, Ran and Ceolin, Davide and Poveda-Villalón, María and Audrito, Davide and Caro, Luigi Di and Grasso, Francesca and Nai, Roberto and Sulis, Emilio and Ekaputra, Fajar J. and Kutz, Oliver and Troquard, Nicolas}, month = sep, year = {2022}, note = {ISSN: 1613-0073}, file = {Full Text PDF:https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3256/km4law3.pdf}, }