XGLM-4.5B是一个多语言自回归语言模型(45亿参数),训练于一个包含134种语言多样性的平衡语料库。该模型的介绍可在Xi Victoria Lin*、Todor Mihaylov、Mikel Artetxe、Tianlu Wang、Shuohui Chen、Daniel Simig、Myle Ott、Naman Goyal、Shruti Bhosale、Jingfei Du、Ramakanth Pasunuru、Sam Shleifer、Punit Singh Koura、Vishrav Chaudhary、Brian O'Horo、Jeff Wang、Luke Zettlemoyer、Zornitsa Kozareva、Mona Diab、Veselin Stoyanov和Xian Li*(* 平等贡献)所著的论文 Few-shot Learning with Multilingual Language Models 中找到。其原始实现已发布于 this repository 。
有关模型的预期用途,请参阅 XGLM-4.5B开发团队发布的 model card 。
import torch import torch.nn.functional as F from transformers import XGLMTokenizer, XGLMForCausalLM tokenizer = XGLMTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-4.5B") model = XGLMForCausalLM.from_pretrained("facebook/xglm-4.5B") data_samples = { 'en': [ { "premise": "I wanted to conserve energy.", "choice1": "I swept the floor in the unoccupied room.", "choice2": "I shut off the light in the unoccupied room.", "question": "effect", "label": "1" }, { "premise": "The flame on the candle went out.", "choice1": "I blew on the wick.", "choice2": "I put a match to the wick.", "question": "cause", "label": "0" } ], 'zh': [ { "premise": "我想节约能源。", "choice1": "我在空着的房间里扫了地板。", "choice2": "我把空房间里的灯关了。", "question": "effect", "label": "1" }, { "premise": "蜡烛上的火焰熄灭了。", "choice1": "我吹灭了灯芯。", "choice2": "我把一根火柴放在灯芯上。", "question": "cause", "label": "0" } ], 'hi': [ { "premise": "M te vle konsève enèji.", "choice1": "Mwen te fin baleye chanm lib la.", "choice2": "Mwen te femen limyè nan chanm lib la.", "question": "effect", "label": "1" }, { "premise": "Flam bouji a te etenn.", "choice1": "Mwen te soufle bouji a.", "choice2": "Mwen te limen mèch bouji a.", "question": "cause", "label": "0" } ] } def get_logprobs(prompt): inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt") input_ids, output_ids = inputs["input_ids"], inputs["input_ids"][:, 1:] outputs = model(**inputs, labels=input_ids) logits = outputs.logits logprobs = torch.gather(F.log_softmax(logits, dim=2), 2, output_ids.unsqueeze(2)) return logprobs # Zero-shot evaluation for the Choice of Plausible Alternatives (COPA) task. # A return value of 0 indicates that the first alternative is more plausible, # while 1 indicates that the second alternative is more plausible. def COPA_eval(prompt, alternative1, alternative2): lprob1 = get_logprobs(prompt + "\n" + alternative1).sum() lprob2 = get_logprobs(prompt + "\n" + alternative2).sum() return 0 if lprob1 > lprob2 else 1 for lang in data_samples_long: for idx, example in enumerate(data_samples_long[lang]): predict = COPA_eval(example["premise"], example["choice1"], example["choice2"]) print(f'{lang}-{idx}', predict, example['label']) # en-0 1 1 # en-1 0 0 # zh-0 1 1 # zh-1 0 0 # hi-0 1 1 # hi-1 0 0