enwik8是一份基于维基百科的数据集,常被用于衡量模型压缩数据的能力,例如在Hutter奖中的应用: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hutter_Prize 。
reformer-enwik8是在enwik8的前9000万个字符上进行预训练的,文本被切分成大小为65536字符(=2^16)的批次。模型的权重取自 https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/trax-ml/reformer/enwik8 ,并转换为Hugging Face的PyTorch ReformerLM模型ReformerModelWithLMHead。
import torch # Encoding def encode(list_of_strings, pad_token_id=0): max_length = max([len(string) for string in list_of_strings]) # create emtpy tensors attention_masks = torch.zeros((len(list_of_strings), max_length), dtype=torch.long) input_ids = torch.full((len(list_of_strings), max_length), pad_token_id, dtype=torch.long) for idx, string in enumerate(list_of_strings): # make sure string is in byte format if not isinstance(string, bytes): string = str.encode(string) input_ids[idx, :len(string)] = torch.tensor([x + 2 for x in string]) attention_masks[idx, :len(string)] = 1 return input_ids, attention_masks # Decoding def decode(outputs_ids): decoded_outputs = [] for output_ids in outputs_ids.tolist(): # transform id back to char IDs < 2 are simply transformed to "" decoded_outputs.append("".join([chr(x - 2) if x > 1 else "" for x in output_ids])) return decoded_outputs
from transformers import ReformerModelWithLMHead model = ReformerModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("google/reformer-enwik8") encoded, attention_masks = encode(["In 1965, Brooks left IBM to found the Department of"]) decode(model.generate(encoded, do_sample=True, max_length=150)) # gives: # In 1965, Brooks left IBM to found the Department of Journalism in 1968. IBM had jurisdiction himself in 1980, while Brooks resolved, nevertheless thro