




对于这个特定的任务,我使用了 NeuSpell 个语料库作为我的原始数据。



# precision recall f1-score support
TYPO 0.992332 0.985997 0.989154 416054.0
micro avg 0.992332 0.985997 0.989154 416054.0
macro avg 0.992332 0.985997 0.989154 416054.0
weighted avg 0.992332 0.985997 0.989154 416054.0




pip install transformers


import torch
from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification
from transformers import pipeline

model_name_or_path = "m3hrdadfi/typo-detector-distilbert-en"
config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path)
model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, config=config)
nlp = pipeline('token-classification', model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, aggregation_strategy="average")
sentences = [
 "He had also stgruggled with addiction during his time in Congress .",
 "The review thoroughla assessed all aspects of JLENS SuR and CPG esign maturit and confidence .",
 "Letterma also apologized two his staff for the satyation .",
 "Vincent Jay had earlier won France 's first gold in gthe 10km biathlon sprint .",
 "It is left to the directors to figure out hpw to bring the stry across to tye audience .",

for sentence in sentences:
    typos = [sentence[r["start"]: r["end"]] for r in nlp(sentence)]

    detected = sentence
    for typo in typos:
        detected = detected.replace(typo, f'<i>{typo}</i>')

    print("   [Input]: ", sentence)
    print("[Detected]: ", detected)
    print("-" * 130)


   [Input]:  He had also stgruggled with addiction during his time in Congress .
[Detected]:  He had also <i>stgruggled</i> with addiction during his time in Congress .
   [Input]:  The review thoroughla assessed all aspects of JLENS SuR and CPG esign maturit and confidence .
[Detected]:  The review <i>thoroughla</i> assessed all aspects of JLENS SuR and CPG <i>esign</i> <i>maturit</i> and confidence .
   [Input]:  Letterma also apologized two his staff for the satyation .
[Detected]:  <i>Letterma</i> also apologized <i>two</i> his staff for the <i>satyation</i> .
   [Input]:  Vincent Jay had earlier won France 's first gold in gthe 10km biathlon sprint .
[Detected]:  Vincent Jay had earlier won France 's first gold in <i>gthe</i> 10km biathlon sprint .
   [Input]:  It is left to the directors to figure out hpw to bring the stry across to tye audience .
[Detected]:  It is left to the directors to figure out <i>hpw</i> to bring the <i>stry</i> across to <i>tye</i> audience .


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